The authors of Fuzz and Buzz will in no event be held responsible to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of these recipes or material.
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All original content on the website Fuzz and Buzz is copyright Eurona Nutrition AB including all photos unless otherwise stated. Do not reproduce any content without permission. If you like to use pictures or any content, please contact us at info (at) fuzzandbuzz dot com so we can come to an agreement.
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Free stuff
From time to time, we will receive a product free of charge to try out and share the experience and opinion about. We will always clearly disclaim that we have received the product for free.
We will always give our honest opinion doing product reviews, and we will only accept products that we would think to purchase ourselves. If we don’t like a product, chances are high you won’t read about it here on our blog.
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